Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, is a medicinal approach to the body, health, and life in general that has been around for thousands of years, dating as far back as 200 BC. It is a method aims to balance the body so that the underlying disease manifesting the symptoms no longer has power.
Snake oil or nature’s gift? Everywhere you turn, coconut oil’s benefits are being touted for everything from being used as a mayonnaise replacement to improving brain function in Alzheimer’s patients. The list of benefits to your skin, alone, are almost endless.
Acupuncture is an effective Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment that has been used in many cultures for thousands of years. The process of acupuncture includes inserting an extremely fine needle into various pressure points on the body in order to relieve symptoms.
If you have sensitive skin, shopping for skincare products to add to your routine can feel like a challenge. What can you use that won’t cause your skin to become itchy, irritated, and inflamed? These are three ingredients that are the most common culprits of irritation!
For most young professionals, life is getting more and more complicated. They have to keep up with work and adapting to new and innovative technologies while also spending time to maintain their physical and mental health. Most young professionals' brains and bodies are rarely at rest.
Irritated skin will happen to everyone at some point, and can be caused by a myriad of different things. Trying to determine what caused your skin to become irritated is just half the battle. After determining the cause you then have to figure out what unique solution will help soothe the irritation.
If you follow beauty trends closely than you know that oils have been very popular the last few years. But even though they seem like a new trend, facial oils have actually been used as topical remedies for beauty and common skin conditions for tens of thousands of years! Despite their popularity and widespread use over thousands of years, misconceptions about facial oils are still prevalent.
The Yin Yang symbol is one of the most universally recognized symbols, especially for those of us who grew up in the 90’s. But behind that popular symbol is a philosophy that goes back thousands of years and is vital to understanding and practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine.
There is nothing more disappointing than getting excited about a new product just to use it and experience a negative reaction. This can be especially confusing since some products (like retinol, and chemical exfoliants) can make the skin worse before it gets better. However, an allergic reaction to new skincare products tends to look very similar to that.