Acne breakouts are one of the top skincare concerns for many of us. Waking up to the morning to a new pimple or red skin is never a good feeling.
Breakouts are caused by skin becoming clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and/or other irritants. The root cause of acne can be widespread, but the methods by which we can prevent breakouts remain largely the same.
So how can we avoid breakouts?
Today, we will explore six ways to keep skin healthy all while avoiding the dreaded acne breakout.
Daily Cleansing Routine for Acne Free Skin
At a high level, acne is caused by clogged hair follicles. Oil, dirt, and dead skin cells can accumulate on the skin, causing irritation, which leads to the accumulation of bacteria and inflammation.
The best and most direct solution for acne is to implement a daily cleansing routine. WebMD recommends washing the skin one (1) to two (2) times daily — no more.
Without cleansing skin daily, your skin may become oily and clogged with irritants, pollutions or just dead skin.
Cleansing the skin more than twice daily can dry skin out and/or cause greater irritation. Exfoliating products such as charcoal sponges should be used with great care as acne prone skin may be sensitive.
Simple Skincare Regimens Reduce Breakout Risks
The modern mindset is often to throw as many solutions as possible towards a problem. When it comes to avoiding breakouts, this might include several different acne products, cleansers, and more.
The fact remains that a simple skincare routine is best for your health.
Different skincare products often have multiple active ingredients. These active ingredients may interact with one another in a negative way, effectively increasing your chance for breakouts, and weakening of the skin barrier. Instead, consider using less products with natural, potent ingredients.
A daily facial oil and serum combo pack can keep skin hydrated without clogging your skin.
Avoid Breakouts with the Right Skincare Products
All skincare products are different. What might be best for dry skin going through a long winter could be detrimental to an individual struggling with acne this summer.
Here are some tips to choose skincare products that will help reduce your risk for breakouts:
- Avoid heavy moisturizers
- Look for products without any harsh ingredients
- Buy your skincare products from a reputable source
- Consider the oil content of shampoos, sun protection, and makeup
- Skip products with exfoliating microbeads, pumice, apricot pits, etc.
Does Greasy Food Contribute to Acne Breakouts?
Yes and no. The Mayo Clinic lists “greasy foods” as their number one acne myth. A diet high in dietary fat does not directly affect your skin’s propensity to develop acne or other skin conditions. However, when oily, greasy foods make direct contact with skin, that can have a material impact.
In other words, you should go ahead and eat that New York-style pizza as long as you are careful not to get the grease all over your face. This is yet another example of why daily skin cleansing is often the number one way to avoid breakouts.
UV Rays Can Damage Skin and Cause Breakouts
Prolonged sun exposure can cause skin to become irritated and inflamed. When combined with a propensity to breakout, this can cause a handful of skin related issues.
Many common acne products also may increase sun sensitivity. Many acne products contains salicylic acid can trigger burning or stinging sensation in a sunburnt skin.
Acne sufferers may be tempted to avoid sunscreen use due to its potential to make skin oily.
This is not an advisable decision. Instead, always apply broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from more serious health issues such as melanoma. Try looking for non-comedogenic products to avoid breakouts.
If you are taking acne medication, you may want to speak to your doctor about sun safety. He or she might recommend staying out of the sun or a certain type of sunscreen to keep your skin protected and clear of breakouts.
Less Stress = Healthier Skin
It is important to understand that stress alone does not cause acne.
Acne is a material skin condition which comes about due to a number of the other factors we have discussed today. However, multiple scientific studies have shown that stress can worsen or prolong breakouts.
Thankfully, there are a myriad of ways to effectively reduce stress. Consider improving your diet, getting more frequent exercise, improving your sleep schedule, practicing meditation or yoga, speaking to a licensed therapist, and much more.
The great news is that stress reduction isn’t just great for skin, it will likely lead to a healthier mind and body!
Reduce Your Breakouts with Dr. Wang Herbal Skincare
Dr. Wang Herbal Skincare is a family business started by Steven Wang, MD and Gui Wang, LAc. Our co-founders have been working together for over two decades to offer holistic, innovative, and effective skincare products. We are guided by three primary principles: formulate skincare products with proven efficacy to promote skin health, harness the power of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and utilize the latest modern medical breakthroughs.
To learn more, view our family of products or read what publications like The New York Times and Reader’s Digest have to say about Dr. Wang Herbal Skincare.